Tuesday, May 15, 2007

To clear few things...

Considering all the comments we get here on our post, we would like to explain couple of points.
First of all we are not connected with Microsoft in any possible way but it doesn't change the fact that Firefox browser suck.
Second, we do not prefer to use Microsoft Internet Explorer instead of Firefox browser. Actually we think that Opera is a good example of a great browser. Another good example is Safari ( might not be relevant for all Windows users ).
Third, there are lots of other options you may consider when you choose your browser and Firefox with all the hype around it is not your best choice. Frankly we think its right after notorious Internet Explorer ( which by the way even better than Firefox in some ways ).

If you want to discuss something - First read all Firefox myths.


Morbus said...

You don't expect people to take you seriously do you?

Anyway, you kind of missed a good opportunity to recommend a REAL firefox adversary like, say, Opera? Or Safari? Those are good browsers, now IE? Puh-leeeease!! Where on earth is IE EVER better than Firefox? I mean, better than the latest firefox (Fx3b4). It's heavier (not much, but it is), it's slower (like 7 times slower in javascript, 4 times slower in html, 2 times slower in svg...), it's less web standard compliant (it fails acid2 test miserably and only goes 12/100 on acid3 where firefox passes acid2 and goes 71/100 on acid3), it's less functional (as in less features, even though it may be more intuitive to some people - not for me though), it's less customizable (eons behind firefox), and it's lots of less secure.

Seriously, do you really believe what you're saying? I believe what I'm saying because I've tested it. As it stands now, Firefox 3's latest build, when compared to other major browsers latest builds (IE8beta1, Opera 9.50 latest and WebKit latest), is the fastest, the second most web standard compliant (second to WebKit only), THE most customizable and reliable, arguably the most pretty (it looks awesome in Mac OS, and is very good on system integration) and is probably the most secure (Fx2 is the most secure browser after Opera, according to Secunia) by default. Besides, it has tons of security oriented extensions which will make it THE most secure browser available (AdBlock Plus, NoScript, CookieSafe...). IE on the other hand, is a poor poor browser that only gets barely usable after installing IE7Pro... And even then, it's still the same old M$ crap.

Anonymous said...

IE slower than FF?? Not on MY laptop it 'aint!

I do use FF mainly becuase of IE's tendency to "encounter errors" and crash.

I don't think FF sucks although its not as great as some people think. But what DOES suck is Mozilla's email client Thunderbird. Man, that is a DOG.

Anonymous said...

I agree completely, firefox SUCKS ASS. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Please save the world from retardation. Create a Spread Opera Community.

Anonymous said...

You're totally right, Firefox is a fail, I have it installed but never use it. I mean, come on which ability of Firefox is better than IE? NOTHING! Plus you can't run some of the sites with Firefox, why use it?

Anonymous said...

Internet Explorer is a really good browser. Firefox sucks out loud. I agree that Opera is an example of a really good browser, but when I recently installed it, it bogged down my computer to the point where it barely ran at all. Firefox is stupid because you have to install a plugin for EVERYTHING! People just want to hate on Microsoft, so they say that Internet Explorer isn't good, but so far, I haven't been happier with anything else. Firefox is trendy, just like iPods and Apple computers right now. Despite their many, many flaws, people buy/use them because it's "non-conformist". It's conforming, idiots.

Gaby de Wilde said...

Firefox sucks indeed.

It's slow as fuck!

Anonymous said...

IE I've found to actually be lighter on resources than FF. Of course, due to how Microsoft implements its caching system. Firefox, imo, has too strong a cache, hence bad memory usage.

But, all in all, Firefox 3 is greater than IE7/IE8b, Webkit-browsers (Safari/Konqueror) so far, are equal to Firefox, and Opera is by far the best. I'd love to see the Presto engine go open source, but I doubt that'll happen.

Nevertheless, props to the Opera team!

"is the fastest, the second most web standard compliant (second to WebKit only), THE most customizable and reliable, arguably the most pretty (it looks awesome in Mac OS, and is very good on system integration) and is probably the most secure "

Compare RAM usage and page load times - I've found Opera to be faster.

Didn't Opera score higher on Acid3 than FF3? Last I checked, it did.

Looks prettiest? That's just an opinion - I love the Opera's slick black.

For security: http://www.hackaday.com/2008/06/18/firefox-3-vulnerability/

Good job Mozilla, 5 hours after release a full-system access bug is found, requiring the user only to visit an infected website (including websites with XSS flaws).

All I can say is, Mozilla needs to do some serious work.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hey people, maybe FF sucks, but who on the earth cares? It is just a web browser: all it is supposed to do is to display pages and that is what it, more or less, does. I have no doubt there are better browsers, but why bother spending time trying them out? I use the web daily - like 10 hours a day - but mostly for googling out stuff about something or downloading some data and graphics for my work. For these task I do not need any functionality that FF does not have.
So why do I use it after all? I think I used to have MSIE6 and it was crashing on something I needed, so I searched and the first hit was FF. And man, it has such a cute icon, have you seen? THAT is a nice thing to cheer up your daily bussiness. So I stayed with it.
(I'm sory for re-posting the comment, but I have sumbitted it too early with many errors.)

Anonymous said...

Firefox is not so good. I get errors, timeouts, and nothing but hassles. Is IE better? No. But FF is no better either.

Anonymous said...

morbus you turd. Microsoft's vision is superior to the W3C's and they are not obligated to do anything they say. For example in Javascript, firefox considers whitespce to be individual, and valid DOM members, a W3C specification. Now please explain why I would ever, EVER want this as a developer. To traverse the DOM in firefox you have to write these long-winded routines for locating and eliminating whitespace. No developer walking the DOM cares what whitespace is where. Meanwhile in IE, you can freely traverse the DOM with all of its native routines, whitespace or not.

And on top of that, if im working with a complex button that has any number of decendant nodes, there's no good way, in firefox, to tell an event to cancel if the target was a decentant of the node with the registered event. However, IE's event objects have the mousenter and mouseleave properties in addition to the relatedTarget property (just like Flash has ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT in addition to its MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT properties) which allows me to treat a complex branch in the DOM as a single button allowing for some very cool interactive components. (by using the all[] property you do have access to all decentants as well. but no wait firefox doesnt support that either nevermind then!) Now why, as an interactive designer, would i ever want to get rid of this?

Do you see what you are doing you stupid ignorant clown? you are saying that some organization's standards trump the needs of developers and designers. Microsoft would never do anything to harm developers. Meanwhile you anti-Microsoft jokers are punishing our every move and setting us back years by trying to get us to mindlessly follow your childish rules. Maybe someday you'll become a true graphics programmer and begin to understand how ignorant you really were.

Morbus said...

You all sound like the guy who thought his cd drive was the place for his cup.

Anonymous said...


I too think you have to provide more proof to your theories.

For example, there is this post about 10 Reasons Why You Should Not Download Firefox.

Anonymous said...

Opera is better than Firefox.

It's faster.
It's made for tabbed browsing from the ground up.
It doesn't need extensions to be useable.
It doesn't need half of your system's ram to run.
It doesn't have people forcing others to install it.

Opera > Firefox.

Anonymous said...

Here are SEVERAL reasons why Firefox SUCKS for developers. And don't give me that "Standards" crap because our company is here to make money, not throw it down the drain with OLD, convoluted and inefficient programming, like what is required for Firefox.

The "Standards" may apply to Mickey Mouse sites, Mom and Pop shops and "community portals" (e.g. Myspace, Facebook, etc..), but theses "standards" are WAY behind the curve when it comes to REAL corporate, banking and enterprise development.

1) The fact that Firefox allows addins to manipulate and change the functionalities of a web page is a VERY serious threat to online banking, transactional processing and accounting systems.

2) Don't get me started about Firefox's insistence on saving passowrds, regardless of what the developer wants! We have BUSINESS clients with multiple employees and this "feature" poses a dangerous threat to those accounts. We had to jump through hoops to get around this and it wasn't pretty. This is also the reason MANY banks have threatened to do away with FF support. Sure, FF may be more "secure" for the users, but what about the sites? If it isn't secure for the sites and developers, then it will come full circle to bite the user in the ass!

3) I'm no more of an IE fan as the next guy, however, you must admit that they have thought "outside the box" for developers and time-to-market. document.all for example! or javascript inherent event consumption. Firefox is LITERALLY a DUMB browser. Meaning, it does not think for itself AT ALL! Although FF has now come to respect the "document.all", it is only when in quirks mode. The following points represent some of these developmental inefficiencies.

4) You must explicitly disable elements? WTF? How stupid is that?!! I want to have a DIV that is disabled (COMPLETELY, not just the appearance with CSS) until certain criteria is met. In IE, I simply disable the DIV. But, NOT IN DUMBO FF! I have to iterate through ALL of the elements and disabled them individually! This just adds MORE code for the FF engine and memory to deal with, not to mention coding and code maintenance efficiency issues.

5) Some of IE's proprietary functions SHOULD be included in the W3C standards. But, like the IRS, trying to get things to move with the speed of technology through W3C is like trying to force a turtle into the space race. What takes a developer for FF to develop, takes an IE developer less than HALF the time. This is in large part due to functions such as insertAdjacentxxxx, assumed event consumption, fireEvent (this REALLY needs to be "standard"), document.all, element.all (this one is a great time saver) and MUCH MORE!

6) "You should develop sites to standards anyway". I SAY BS!! If the standards can't keep up with todays technology, then they need to change faster or be done away with! You developers are "supposed" to be about "state-of-the-art" and pushing the bubble, yet you want to cling to ages old standards like an old security blanket? Thank GOD people thought outside of the "standards" in every other industry. Otherwise, we would still be driving Model T's on dirt roads while talking the the car next to us with 2 cans and a string!

I could actually go on for hours about this, but you get my point. If you are some non-essential site, then go for FF compatibility. But those of you that DEMAND banking, financial and\or transactional sites be FF compliant and simply revealing your ignorance in today's development world!

Anonymous said...

BTW, "Fanboys" like morbus are the ones trying to keep technology back in the 90's (which btw, is the last time MOST of the DOM W3C "standards" had been significantly updated). Their insubstantive insulting replies just prove that most of these FF Fanboys are nothing more than "play at home" students that still live in the world of "concepts" and have never dealt with the REAL technology and development of today's world.

You kids have ALOT to learn about today's technologies. Your High School teachers and CS College professors have been out of the loop too long to know what today's technological demands are. Tell your teachers to get out of the COBOL mentality and get with the program!

Anonymous said...

honza42 said:

" It is just a web browser: all it is supposed to do is to display pages and that is what it, more or less, does. "

This is the largest misconception and misleading statement that FF Fanboys (not that honza is one) tout day in and day out.

This kind of statement comes from those that are either ill informed about todays technology or amateur users and "webmasters" that have never stepped outside of the static web world.

For those that are under the false impression that browsers are only for displaying pages and nothing more, I have a news flash for you! Over the past 10 years, browsers have become the new UI for corporate enterprise software, accounting systems and transactional systems WORLDWIDE!

Because of this technological transition, more demands are being placed on browsers to be more efficient, integrally sound and more importantly SAFE for the developing entity (not for just the internet user)! What good does a secure browser do for the user if it empowers other users to manipulate and hack sites containing YOUR personal information?

The very purpose of "Open Source" is to allow ANYONE to change the way a browser functions and interprets the site pages and code! IE, on the other hand, is NOT open source, thereby alleviating the risk of hackers trying to break into your bank account by manipulating and perverting the bank's web site code and intended procedural functionalities.

Now, for those that wish to hack or manipulate sites (criminals, mischievous students, jokers, etc..), Firefox is their favorite "tool of the trade" and they will pound it home to the uninformed internet user until the cows come home! Why? Well, it's obvious isn't it?

Have any of you actually looked into REAL REASON WHY Firefox may be faster with some web sites and pages? It is because it isn't expecting, nor accomodating, complex business logic coding, such as IE CLEARLY provides for.

If you do nothing but post on blogs, listen to mp3s all day, view news sites or chat in community forums, then FF may be just the perfect fast browser for you. BUT, if you run a business, corporation or institution that is obligated to provide for the safe, secure and efficient banking, financial and\or transactional processing needs of YOUR CUSTOMERS, then Firefox poses a serious threat to your business model AND customers! Not to mention coding efficiencies and maintenance costs.

You Fanboys NEVER think outside of your little internet bubble and what you WRONGLY perceive the internet world to be!

And for your Student "Fanboys", you are simply frightened now that your "Know It All" teachers are done with you in teaching you about "standards", that you now have to learn how the REAL world develops and you are TOO LAZY to learn more than the basics you have been taught! This IMO accounts for approx 80-90% of the "Fanboy" base.

You can try to dispute the facts, but isn't that an oxymoron?

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you after this last Firefox update. FF is a terrible browser these days. The bloat is unacceptable. it takes 5 minutes to do anything now. I've switched to Google Chrome.

Anonymous said...

Chrome PWNs all browsers (least firefox, but IDK about others) IE really just is left in the dirt on speed. Though I like the nice easy to use graphics and more user friendy, while FF just looks like buttons squished out of nowhere to save some frikin space while Chrome dosen't use a top bar! Chrome is also more memory efficient, multi-task running so you can end tabs individually to stop a whole crash (what IE and FF does) and it is much more responsive. There are bugs here and there but once chrome takes over IE and FF the bugs will be probably minimal.

(Saddly I'm browsing from FF)

Anonymous said...

I use Firefox regularly because of the plugins....but then I could start using Opera. Anyway, I actually like this website because of Firefox fanboys who know next to little about browser security, or bitch about Microsoft (Frankly I respond to them cooly..)...the fanboys are just like ass hair with crabs....that's all.

Anonymous said...

Another point..I know words like "ass hair" could backfire, but I still think that is the primary reason. Firefox is good, I use IE, but damn...ass hair.

Anonymous said...

Quote: "It's faster.
It's made for tabbed browsing from the ground up.
It doesn't need extensions to be useable.
It doesn't need half of your system's ram to run.
It doesn't have people forcing others to install it.

Opera > Firefox."

Totally agree. I've been using non-IE browsers 1999, first Netscape 4.7 then Opera 3 till 9.62. Opera is by far the best browser both on Windows and Linux. Firefox is incredibly overrated.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I've been a fan of and using Firefox since 2005, but lately it has had a lot of issues for me, like keyboard failing to respond when I want to type in a textbox, bookmarks and browser history suddenly disapperaring, slow operation ("waiting for..." anyone?). I'm switching to Opera full time now, this has become somewhat intolerable.

Anonymous said...

Firefox is a decent browser in my opinion. I love the plugins and its open source nature makes it MORE secure, not less. Bugs are discovered faster and the code is scoured by more security-minded people than IE. IE is garbage. Every other week there's some critical security hole that needs to be patched, it's slow as molasses, and you have to write special code to get web pages to display properly.

Those who bitch about Firefox's plugin capability are clueless. Firefox certainly is a fully functional browser, even without plugins. Plugins like NoScript make Firefox hands-down the most secure browser out there and plugins like Web Developer, Firebug, and iMacros are also great.

I've never tried Opera or Safari and I don't really have any desire to. As a sidenote I do find Opera users to be the most fanboyish of them all.

Recently I've started using Google Chrome, which is also open source based. I love it because it's fast, clean, and stable. It's also the sexiest browser available. The only thing it needs is a viable plugin interface and it's bound to give Firefox a run for its money.

Anonymous said...

I too hate firefox! with a red hot hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

give me internet explorer 3.0 any day over firefox.

i've fallen in love with chrome, and i can't figure out why people are so enamored with firecrap

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with you on this one, Opera is far superior in every way.

Yes, FF has all these plugins (a lot emulating Opera functionality!) but these just hog resouces compared to the neatly optimised browsers like Opera, Chrome, etc etc

PsP GsM said...

I downloaded Firefox just to try it out. All I can say it sucks Opera is, was and will always be the best browser created. <---------- period :) time to uninstall this crap.

Fred Kingsley said...

Screw you how ever made this blog. Firefox doesn't suck. I would not find any reason loosers like you would think IE is better than Firefox. I use Opera and i like it, but Firefox is also very good. Screw you.

Anonymous said...

ff suck so hard!!! me love opera loooong time!!! is number "1" browser no crash ever like sucky-sucky ff!!! ff fanbois thinks they better but me know ff is for only looser!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yup Firefox sucks. I was just using my Ajax image uploader and this dang thing froze up on me, and hung.....

Just happened a few minutes ago. I looked up Firefox sucks, and found your site.

I'm not anti Firefox, but I do not think it is the best thing since sliced bread.....DUH

Vorta said...

Firefox does suck. Opera and IE eat it alive.

Anonymous said...

Although I use Firefox mainly, that does NOT mean I am a FANBOY...I am NOT pro Firefox.

I am not partial to any browser...I think IE 8 looks promising and have no hesitation to switch to it.

Seriously, all these Firefox fanboys should go have a LONG HARD LOOK at their beloved browser, before trying to push it onto everyone!

Anonymous said...

I just can't stand about FF.
FF: Crash, crash, crash and crash.. (By the way: Crash! :DD)
Opera never crash.. (It crashes only if u have somekinda 256 mb and 20 gb machine.. But then FF crashes 15-30 times in hour..)
Opera RuleZZ!

Anonymous said...

just wanted to add my 2 cents and agree that fire fox FUCKING SUCKS!!!

Yusuf said...

Right now, I'm playing a game on facebook and my firefox's memory usage is 412060k. Why does it have to use such a big chunk and slow everything down? GRRRRR

Meeperz said...

The Link to the myths about the worst internet fail-browser in the world broke. Well not the link, the page.

Anonymous said...

lol Safari is fucking slow ass shit.
Fuck you Apple and your microkernals.

ken krickbaum said...

I must say that FF has come a long way since my comment in 2008 in this blog. So much so that our preferred browser for clients and development is now Firefox 3.6 +

They have embraced much of what the dev community needs and we are very happy with it. Changing our compliance to XHTML also help quite a bit.

In any case, I am no longer in the FSO bunch, but rather the GO Firefox cheerleader crowd. This could change in the future, but where I am at the moment.

Unknown said...

Five years later and the problems continue. And worse than before.

The most beloved of Firefox add-ons (Absblock, NoScript, Firebug, Webdevelopment) are not needed in Opera or Chrome because they come in the package and the browser keeps working fast. Other case is Firefox, without add-ons works slow and with them even more slower.

On the other hand on browsers such as Opera and Chrome you should not be so afraid to JavaScript, so an add-ons such as NoScript is not necessary.

Anonymous said...

You're right FUCK FIREFOX. In a corporate envirment only IE is acceptable. If you could control firefox using group policies I might consider using it until then firefox fanboys can suck my cock.

Anonymous said...

People can hate firefox , but trying to destroy it is dumb~ Whoever agrees with this site is an complete moron~ Yes , I rage at firefox but I don't bitch about it like a fucking moron~

My 10 cents , enough for you guys to buy a brain DESU DESU~~~

Pedro said...

IE always sucked. And Chrome is going to take Firefox´s spot of replacing IE. Chrome is now way better than Firefox.
I think I gave a try to Opera but it was too quick to judge it. It looks like a quite good browser and deserves a bit more attention.

I´ve replaced Firefox with Chrome today and I must say it´s way faster. I´m in love with Chrome.

Lauris said...

You guys are retarted.. I readed few posts but i haven't seen a good reason yet, why firefox sucks. In ratings, firefox beats all browser in speed, also firefox got alot of plugins that chrome and opera (who uses that shit?) dont have. I have used all browsers (not safari) and i must say that Firefox is best browser in the world and nothing can beat it, neither that shitty opera.

Anonymous said...

get a fucking life you scum

Anonymous said...

When do you trolls start to throw real arguments in here? At the moment this is just another "IShareGossip" targeted to Firefox. Bring up arguments why to use a browser and why not using Gecko based browsers. Or simply shut up!

kate said...

ugh safari SUCKS. IE sucks (as does anything microsoft - word, excel, powerpoint. all programs for people who don't know how to efficiently use computers). firefox has potential, it's been choking lately adn that's more than unfortunate

Anonymous said...

Firefox DOES suck now. It's the PLUGIN container. It crashed my last computer. I lost everything, including my hard drives with all my music. I tried to reach Firefox but they do not want to hear about it. I am too poor to sue them and would probably lose anyway. They are just another large corporation that does give a crap about it's customers, except if they kiss their ass and give them good reviews. If you have REAL issues, they ignore you.

Fat Bastardo said...

Plug in container is a major trouble maker. Firefox sucks now and I am back to using IE which sucks less.

FF is OK after a fresh install but them it sucks again. Then you have a lot of cocksuckers putting out malware and they need to be hunted down and killed.

Fat Bastardo said...

anti-noob said...
Screw you how ever made this blog. Firefox doesn't suck. I would not find any reason loosers like you would think IE is better than Firefox. I use Opera and i like it, but Firefox is also very good. Screw you.

Losers always spell loser looser which means the opposite of tight. Fuck you loser.

Right now IE is better. FF used to kick ass but is sucks now. It sucks more than Dracula. It's a spyware and malware magnet. When I run FF I get a ton of spyware.

Dear FF you so called upgrades are downgrades. If it ain't broke don't fix it you fucking geeks.

Anonymous said...

4 years after this blog was posted and Firefox still sucks ass.

Anonymous said...

4 years passed. Firefox is suck even more than in begining. Now this bs actually locks OS. What a progress!
Proof: https://support.mozilla.com/ru/questions/865367

Anonymous said...

Firefox does not suck. I've been in their volunteer support group for 3 years and were amazing. IE is not open source, is sluggish, complete useless nonsense that doesn't even have a good download manager. I havent used it since age 6 apart from in school, even there I have firefox on my flash drive now though. Remember as well, Mozilla is mostly run by volunteers, even a lot of main stream development, we fix broken things in 1 day usually because we care. Also, we're one of the only companies that make browsers that are against SOPA, PIPA and ACTA

Opera lover said...

Anonymous: It's so nice to see kids like yourself taking an interest in this fascinating new Internet technology.
It is volunteers like you that allow this exploitive capitalistic company to run on the cheap - delivering their own brand of Microsoft junk with your free labor.
Even though you haven't used IE since grade 6, we can't give you too much credit for a 2 month break now can we?
When you finally graduate maybe more knowledge will direct you to a really innovative robust and FAST browser like oh let's say OPERA.
When you finally want speed, freedom and choice I'm sure you'll come around. After all with knowledge often comes wisdom.
An Opera user for life.

Fat Bastardo said...

FF is a memory hog and it has a memory leak. It used to work really well but now it sucks.

I wish they would fix it.

Anonymous said...

I am 100% sure that you have no idea what a browser is !!!
I just want to say fuck you!
This comment is just for you!
I am exactly sure that your mother got fucked by a fox so you said that because nobody says IE is better or safari or blah blah!!!
try to accept this fact that firefoxs rocks!
you and your ideas and opions SUCK!!!

Anonymous said...

A good chunk of Fire Fox support stopped when the main author was fired for saying he didn't believe in gay marriage in his PRIVATE lifestyle overheard in a conversation and taken completely out of context.

The news articles vanished completely and is hard to find unless you do a hard search as the media tried to cover it up but since he was fired FF went to crap.

Some of my favorite sites I've had to delete because they ONLY work in Fire Fox and are very glitched to non functional in other browsers.

Anonymous said...

BTW: For those who complain about IE. It's not even called Internet Explorer since Windows 8.1. It goes by a different name now and is just as crap unless you have a mobile phone as it's designed completely around it.

Anonymous said...

BTW: If Fire Fox fanboys don't like what they are reading what the bloody hell are they even doing here commenting? It's like going to a Denny's and proudly proclaim their food has no flavor and they prefer Sharis and why Shari's is so much better.

See how well that will work out.